Its been a while since I wrote a troubleshooting blog on VCFonVxRail. Today we encounter an issue while doing the precheck of VCF before the upgrade. In this blog we will discuses what the issue was and how we fixed it.
While doing the Precheck on the SDDC Manager for VI WLD domain we got the Password validity failure error on VxRail manager.

This we checked to find the issue :
We check the lookup_password on sddc password was right and it matching to the vxrail manager password.
ssh to vxrail manager check if the password was expired but it was not.
we tried to change the password with a simple one but it failed with error "Unable to find VM in specified cluster."
checked the /var/log/vmware/vcf/operationsmanager/operationsmanager.log
Found the same error unable to find the VM in specified cluster.
we check the VM is present on the VIL WLD on the VC .
SDDC platfrom DB vx_manager table the VM name was VxRail manager . where as the VM name in the vCenter was different.
Cause : Before the VCF bring up the renaming should be done , but most of the time we don't change the name of VxRail Manager VM but later we don't it , which will cause the SDDC DB mismatch . Solve procedure of Dell and VMware recommend to do the renaming on VxRail side before the VCF bring up to avoid such issue.

In the vCenter the VxRail Manager VM name was something different.

Fix :
We can rename the VC VM back to VxRail Manager to match the SDDC DB . or update the SDDC DB. as customer didnt want it to be default name.
Take the SDDC Manager snapshot .
update the vx_manager table to the right VM name.
"update vx_manager set vm_name='pvxrailmanager' where id='03988f33-2b2d-429e-bf30-a0493373a151'";
After this the Precheck was green issue got fixed.