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VCFonVxRail 4.5 to 5.0 Post SDDC Manager Upgrade Missing Two Compatibility Json Files

Post the upgrade of VCF 5.0 SDDC Manager reporting Error VmwareCompatibilityData.json and VxRailCompatibilityData.json not present due to which the bundle fetching is failing.

In the Logs you will see it reporting error for compatibility file missing.

2023-08-30T13:40:28.568+0200 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.l.l.CompatibilityDataDriftListener,main] CompatibilityDataDriftListener listener is being triggered

2023-08-30T13:40:28.568+0200 INFO [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.l.l.CompatibilityDataDriftListener,main] Compatibility Data was not found on the system for the source VMWARE_COMPAT trying to find if it is present in the compatibility data drift location

2023-08-30T13:40:28.568+0200 INFO [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.l.l.CompatibilityDataDriftListener,main] VMWARE_COMPAT drift file was not present at /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/CompatibilityDataDrift/VmwareCompatibilityData.json. This might mean that the data was not available by error or the source might not be supported

2023-08-30T13:40:28.569+0200 INFO [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.l.l.CompatibilityDataDriftListener,main] Compatibility Data was not found on the system for the source VXRAIL_COMPAT trying to find if it is present in the compatibility data drift location

2023-08-30T13:40:28.569+0200 INFO [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.l.l.CompatibilityDataDriftListener,main] VXRAIL_COMPAT drift file was not present at /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/CompatibilityDataDrift/VxrailCompatibilityData.json. This might mean that the data was not available by error or the source might not be supported

Retrieving update patches bundles failed. Unable to retrieve aggregated LCM bundles: Error in getDomainBomVersion(): Encountered error requesting api: 500 - "{\"errorCode\":\"VCF_ERROR_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR\",\"arguments\":[],\"message\":\"A problem has occurred on the server. Please retry or contact the service provider and provide the reference token.

",\"causes\":[{\"type\":\"com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.model.error.LcmException\",\"message\":\"Failed to validate if SDDC Manager with version is compatible with system.\"}],\"referenceToken\":\"66TJT5\"}", OperatingSystem: VMWare

We run the API called and it also saying the the compatibility file is missing.

To fix this issue we need to download the two missing json file i.e. VxRailCompatibilityData.json and VmwareCompatibilityData.json.

Where can we download these two files is what we need to know . Well the It can be downloaded Bundle Transfer Utility tool .

How to download the Compatibility json below are the steps .

  1. Download the Bundle Transfer Utility tool from customer connect here

  2. Extract the Bundle Transfer Utility tool and open the cmd promt .

  3. This command will download the VmwareCompatibilityData.json

.\lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --compatibilityMatrix --outputDirectory dir_path_for_metadata --depotUser depotUser

4. This command will download the VxRailCompatibilityData.json

.\lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --compatibilityMatrix --outputDirectory dir_path_for_metadata --depotUser depotUser --partnerDepotUser DelldepotUser

Example : \lcm-bundle-transfer-util --download --compatibilityMatrix --outputDirectory C:\Users\mohammedv\Downloads\VCF5.0 Json --depotUser --partnerDepotUser

5. Once you downloaded them you will have to upload them to SDDC Manager Appliance both the file.

6. Upload the files to sddc manager via winscp to temp location

7. SSH to sddc manager go to the path /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin

8. Run " /lcm-bundle-transfer-util --update --compatibilityMatrix --inputDirectory /tmp/comp --sddcMgrFqdn <sddc FQDN> -sddcMgrUser administrator@vsphere.local

9. Restart the lcm server

You should see the below output :

[ /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-tools/bin ]# ./lcm-bundle-transfer-util --update --compatibilityMatrix --inputDirectory /tmp/comp --sddcMgrFqdn <sddc FQDN> -sddcMgrUser administrator@vsphere.local *********Welcome to OBTU tool***********

Make sure to download the most recent metadata files and upload them to the SDDC Manager appliance before downloading bundles. If you do not have the most recent metadata files, the metadata for most recent upgrades will be missing and will impact the upgrades. The following metadata files are required: LCM manifest and VMware compatibility data (For 5.0 or upgrade to 5.0). VxRail requires these additional metadata files: VxRail compatibility data (For 5.0 or upgrade to 5.0) and partner bundle manifest (PBM).\n please confrim this is the right finger print SHA256 Fingerprint=D1:F3:19:1A:CC:C8:BB:42:1E:08:A1:81:61:21:CB:51:CE:61:41:6B:70:86:8A:B0:37:6F:17:FC:91:68:FA:CC Y/N Y VMware Cloud Foundation LCM Bundle Transfer Tool, Version: 2023.05-21730718 Enter SDDC Manager User password: User has set the path to: /tmp/comp Setting base path - vwplpnmlsp00475.vwpn.emea.vwg Setting base path - vwplpnmlsp00475.vwpn.emea.vwg Successfully upload VMWARE_COMPAT Compatibility Data in Sddc Manager Setting base path - vwplpnmlsp00475.vwpn.emea.vwg Setting base path - vwplpnmlsp00475.vwpn.emea.vwg Successfully upload VXRAIL_COMPAT Compatibility Data in Sddc Manager Log file: /var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm/tools/debugtool/tmp/debuglog/lcmdebug.log

After this output the issue got resolved . Happy Learning.

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