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  • viquarmca

VCF on VxRail 4.4.1 Unable To Add 15 Gen Nodes In SDDC Due to NSX Uplink Order Error

In this post we are going to talk about my experience with VCF on VxRail Node expansion cluster where the Node expansion was failing with error "vmnics of hosts provided in spec are not compatible with existing host".

Below is the NIC ordering for 14th Gen and 15th , the reason i am telling is because the issue is cause due to the nic order based on the hardware gen. Just to understand how the nics are aligned in 14th Gen and 15th Gen .

My customer has Existing nodes P570F with 14th Generation Server cluster where they were trying to add 15th Generation server . In the 14th Generation server we have VMNIC6 and VMNIC1 reserved for 1 GHz Speed. So here my NSX uplinks are using VMNIC3 and VMNIC 6 .

New nodes P660F with 15 Generation Server we have VMNIC0 and VMNIC1 reserved for integrated nics with 1 GHz speed.

When we try to add new 15th Gen Server in the SDDC Manager for existing Cluster which has 14th Gen Server . It was failing with an error "vmnics of hosts provided in spec are not compatible with existing host".

When compared with Existing nodes(14th Gen) using NSX-T uplinks vmnic 3 and vmnic 6 where used and the new node (15th Gen) has got different uplink for NSX-T (vmnic 5 and vmnic 9) due to which the Node add was failing. This has happen due to the NIC order based on the 15th Gen Server . which I has mention above .

Workaround :

Where the vmnicN and B are the new assignment that you want to make. For instance, in the above example you could swap vmnic3 and vmnic6 using the commands:

localcli --plugin-dir /usr/lib/vmware/esxcli/int/ deviceInternal alias store --bus-type pci --alias vmnic5 --bus-address s00000008.03

localcli --plugin-dir /usr/lib/vmware/esxcli/int/ deviceInternal alias store --bus-type pci --alias vmnic9 --bus-address s00000002.00

localcli --plugin-dir /usr/lib/vmware/esxcli/int/ deviceInternal alias store --bus-type logical --alias vmnic5 --bus-address "pci#s00000008.03#0"

localcli --plugin-dir /usr/lib/vmware/esxcli/int/ deviceInternal alias store --bus-type logical --alias vmnic9 --bus-address "pci#s00000002.00#0"

I follow the below KB to fix this issue :


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