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VCF 4.5 Precheck Is Failing On NSX-T Audit

In this blog, we'll delve into resolving VCF 4.5 precheck failures specifically related to NSX-T audit, providing you with actionable insights to overcome these hurdles.

Precheck Failure Error :

Health Status Red Error Description NSX-T Manager Audit for failed with unknown exception Impact High: Do not perform upgrade without addressing this issue unless the available upgrade is for NSX-T. Remediation Audit check failed for NSX-T. Check if the SDDC Manager is able to communicate with NSX-T Manager. If not, login to NSX-T and check if upgrade is running and wait for the completion. Also please ensure that credential of type API for NSX-T manager is not expired.

We have tried below steps to fix the issue : 1. 2. 3. Password expiry on NSX-T manager

4. Certificate we are all good 5. Edge nodes curl -k -u 'admin' -H 'Accept:application/json' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X GET

Findings from Log LCM-debug :

2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx01 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory
2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx02 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory
2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx03 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory
2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx04 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory
2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx05 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory
2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx06 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory
2023-01-17T18:47:28.582+0000 DEBUG [vcf_lcm,d3cfaeb310f8bd07,d083,auditId=ae740b5a-36b0-45e7-9758-41c97036e40f,resourceType=NSX_T_MANAGER,,] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.NsxtInventoryLoader,Scheduled-8] Transport Node nsxlab3m1esx07 is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory

We are seeing this across multiple hosts - which is causing a failure to load NSX-T Cluster Inventory.

Specific hosts with the issue:

cat lcm-debug.log | grep -i 'is an Edge Node or does not exist in VCF inventory' | awk '{print $7}' | sort -d | uniq -c
    108 ennsxlab3m1-01
    108 ennsxlab3m1-02
    108 nsxlabesx01
    108 nsxlabsx02
    108 nsxlabesx03
    108 nsxlabesx04
    108 nsxlabesx05
    108 nsxlabesx06
    108 nsxlabesx07

Checking their names in the SDDC DB:

ennsxlab3m1-01 -> (Edge Transport Node)
ennsxlab3m1-02 -> (Edge Transport Node) (Edge nodes that do not exist in SDDC Manager) (Edge nodes that do not exist in SDDC Manager) (Edge nodes that do not exist in SDDC Manager) (Edge nodes that do not exist in SDDC Manager)
nsxlabesx01 ->
nsxlabesx02 ->
nsxlabesx03 ->
nsxlabesx04 ->
nsxlabesx05 ->
nsxlabesx06 ->
nsxlabesx07 ->

Resolution :

  1. For all the components that are showing up as short name, go into the NSX-T UI > System > Fabric

  2. Edit the disply names of all of them to be the FQDN.

  3. Once the renaming is done , perform the rooling reboot of all 3 nsxt managers. one at a time to force sync inventory.

  4. After rolling reboot run precheck again all was green.

Note : During the issue we had help from VMware GSS , who was able to give us the resolution .

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